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is the home page of South Texas Lime, a manufacturer and applicator of lime. South Texas Lime manufactures high calcium lime that is TX DOT certified and is marked in Texas and through out the United States. South Texas Lime provides soil stabilization for foundations, roads, parking lots, rail tracks, highways, hydraulic work, airports, and industrial platforms.

The primary industries that we have served are as follow:


Steel Manufacture, Steel Products Manufacture, Magnesium Manufacture, Alumina Manufacture, Ore Flotation and Non-Ferrous Metal Smelting.

Pulp And Paper

Sulfate Process, Sulfite Process, Bleaching, Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, Strawboard Manufacture, and in the treatment of pulp and paper mill liquid wastes, as a coagulant in color removal.


Alkalis, Calcium Carbide and Cyanimide, Petrochemicals, Bleaches, Dye and Dyestuff Intermediates and Coke- By-Products. In addition, it is used in the purification of citric acid, glucose and dextrin; metallic calcium; soda-lime, an adsorbent; and for countless other minor or isolated purposes, such as for CO, absorption.

Environmental Uses

Water Treatment : Scope, Softening, Purification, Coagulation, Neutralization of Acid Water, Silica Removal and Removal of Other Impurities.

Sewage Treatment : Maintain proper pH and Stabilizing Sewage Sludge

Industrial Trade Wastes : Treatment of industrial trade wastes to abate pollution from Steel and Metal Fabricating Plants, Chemical and Explosives Plants, Acid Mine Drainage, Paper and Fibers, Food Plants and in clarifying "water gas" acid waste effluents.

Flue Gas Desulfurization

Solid Wastes Disposal

Building Materials : Calcium Silicate Brick, Concrete Products, Miscellaneous Building Units, and Insulation Materials.

Protective Coatings : Pigments, Water Paints, and Varnish.

Food & Food By Products : Dairy Industry, Sugar Industry, Animal Glue and Gelatin Industries, Baking Industry, and CA (controlled atmospheric) Storage of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. All tortillas are made with lime treatment.

Miscellaneous Uses : Petroleum, Leather, and Rubber.